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External module drawing


All necessary classes for drawing are encapsulated in the piweb.drawing module. The plot extension will be rendered whenever something changes, e.g. a property value, its size or position. When this happens, the plot extension API will emit the render event, which has a DrawingContext object as its parameter.

import * as piweb from 'piweb';
import drawing = piweb.drawing;

piweb.events.on("render", render);

function render(context: drawing.DrawingContext) {

Be aware that all coordinates and values are interpreted as millimeters. PiWeb draws with a resolution of 96 DPI, so one millimeter is equal to 96 / 25.4 ~ 3.58 pixels, or one pixel is equal to 25.4 / 96 ~ 0.2646 millimeters. PiWeb will take care, that everything you draw is aligned to display coordinates, so nothing will look blurry.

Description objects

Most drawing classes implement a description interface named similar to the class. For example, the class Pen implements PenDescription. Description interfaces only consist of properties, so that they can be represented by object literals:

const penDescription = {
        brush: {
            type: 'solid',
            color: {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0}
        thickness: 1.0

context.setPen( penDescription );

Most of the properties are even optional and thus don't have to be specified. Unspecified properties will assume a default value. It's often easier and much better readable to use an object literal compared to the constructor of the corresponding class:

const pen = new piweb.drawing.Pen(
        new piweb.drawing.SolidColorBrush(
            new piweb.drawing.Color(255, 0, 0, 255),
        new Array<number>(),

Most functions directly accept literal objects. If nevertheless an instance of a class is required, it can be aquired by calling the static create method of the class. When doint this on an abstract class like Brush, an additional type parameter is required. You can also call the factory method on the derived class, e.g. SolidColorBrush.createSolidColorBrush.

const pen = piweb.drawing.Pen.create({
        brush: {
            type: 'solid',
            color: {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0}
        thickness: 1.0

This should be preferred to using constructors.


  • Colors and brushes can usually be specified as string (e.g. 'red' or '#FF0000').
  • Positions can usually be specified as arrays ([1.0, 1.0]) or as objects ({x: 1.0, y: 1.0}) or even as number, if both coordinates have the same value.





Type aliases



Type aliases


ArcType: "small" | "large"


Can be used to initialize an instance of the Brush class.


BrushType: "solid" | "linear" | "radial"

An enumeration to determine the type of a brush.


ColorDescription: ColorObject | string

Can be used to initialize an instance of the Color class.


FillRule: "evenOdd" | "nonzero"

Determines how overlapping geometries are filled.

evenOdd (default)

Fills the area that is overlapped by an odd number of geometries. *


Fills the area that is overlapped by at least one geometry. *


FlowDirection: "leftToRight" | "rightToLeft"

Determines if the text is arranged from the left to the right or from the right to the left. While this seems to be redundant with the HorizontalTextAlignment, the effect is clear when the text exceeds the size of the boundaries, and especially when ellipsis are used.

leftToRight (default)

Layouting starts at the left boundary.


Layouting starts at the right boundary.


FontStretch: "ultraCondensed" | "extraCondensed" | "condensed" | "semiCondensed" | "normal" | "semiExpanded" | "expanded" | "extraExpanded" | "ultraExpanded"

Used to condense or expand the font horizontally.

Identifier Changed width/height ratio
ultraCondensed 50% of the default width/height ratio
extraCondensed 62.5% of the default width/height ratio
condensed 75% of the default width/height ratio
semiCondensed 87.5% of the default width/height ratio
normal 100% of the default width/height ratio
semiExpanded 112.5% of the default width/height ratio
expanded 125% of the default width/height ratio
extraExpanded 150% of the default width/height ratio
ultraExpanded 200% of the default width/height ratio


FontStyle: "normal" | "oblique" | "italic"

The font style can be used to display letters in a cursive way.

normal (default)

The text will be displayed as usual.


Some fonts have a built in italic letter set, which can be used by specifying the italic font style.


For fonts which have no built in italic letter set, the oblique font style allows to apply a ShearTransform to the normal font to make it look cursive. The italic style will usually look more pleasing though.


FontWeight: "thin" | "extraLight" | "light" | "normal" | "medium" | "semiBold" | "bold" | "extraBold" | "black" | "extraBlack"

The font weight is used to display letters bolder or thinner. Most fonts only support a subset of the following font weights.

Identifier numeric value
thin 100
extraLight 200
light 300
normal 400
medium 500
semiBold 600
bold 700
extraBold 800
black 900
extraBlack 950


GeometryCombineMode: "union" | "intersect" | "xor" | "exclude"

Determines how two geometries are combined.

union (default)

The resulting geometry is the area that is overlapped by the first or second geometry or both.


The resulting geometry is the area that is overlapped by both geometries.


The resulting geometry is the area that is overlapped by the first or second geometry, but not both.


The second geometry is subtracted from the first.


GeometryDescription: PureGeometryDescription | string | Geometry

Can be used to initialize a Geometry.


GeometryType: "line" | "rectangle" | "ellipse" | "path" | "custom" | "combined" | "group"

Determines the type of a geometry.


HorizontalAnchor: "origin" | "left" | "right" | "center"

Determines how the geometry aligns to the position horizontally.

origin (default)

The image will be drawn with the position as its coordinate origin.


The image will be drawn with the position on the left side.


The image will be drawn with the position at the center.


The geometry will be drawn with the position on the right side.


HorizontalImageAnchor: "left" | "right" | "center"

Determines how the image aligns to the position horizontally.

left (default)

The image will be drawn with the position on the left side.


The image will be drawn with the position at the center.


The image will be drawn with the position on the right side.


HorizontalTextAlignment: "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify"

Determines how text is arranged inside the bounding box that is defined by width and height. In case no bounding box is defined, the horizontal text alignment also determines the horizontal position of the text relative to the anchor.

left (default)

Aligns text to the left boundary.


Aligns text to the right boundary.


Aligns text centered between the left and the right boundaries.


Increases the size of the whitespaces until the text fits between the left and right boundary.


HorizontalTextAnchor: "default" | "left" | "right" | "center"

Determines how the whole text is arranged horizontally relative to the text position.

default (default)

Arranges the text according the HorizontalTextAlignment and the specified size of the bounding box.


Places the anchor point on the left side of the bounding box.


Places the anchor point on the right side of the bounding box.


Places the anchor at the center of the bounding box.


LineCap: "flat" | "round" | "square"

Determines the geometry at the start and/or end of a line.


No extra geometry is added.


Adds a half circle with a diameter that is equal to the pens thickness.


Adds a half square with the side length of the pens thickness.


LineJoin: "bevel" | "miter" | "round"

Determines the geometry between two linear segments of a line.


Adds a triangle that connects the two non-overlapping points of the lines.


Extends the outlines of the two lines until they cut each other, and fills the enclosed area.


Creates a circle around the cutting point with a diameter that is equal to the pens thickness.


Can be used to initialize a PathSegment.


PathSegmentType: "arc" | "bezier" | "line" | "quadraticBezier" | "polyBezier" | "polyLine" | "polyQuadraticBezier"

An enumeration to determine the type of a path segment.


PixelFormat: "rgb24" | "bgr24" | "bgra32" | "pbgra32" | "gray8"

The list of known pixel formats of PiWeb


PointDescription: PointObject | number[] | number


Can be used to initialize a Geometry.


SizeDescription: SizeObject | number[] | number


SweepDirection: "clockwise" | "counterclockwise"

An enumeration to determine the sweep direction of an arc segment.




TextDecoration: "underline" | "strikeThrough"

An enumeration for text rendering features.


Renders a horizontal line at the bottom of the text.


Renders a horizontal line at the vertical center of the text.


TextTrimming: "none" | "characterEllipsis" | "wordEllipses"

Determines what happens when the text exceeds the size of the boundaries. In case no boundaries are defined, the text trimming has no effect. When the length of a text reaches the maxTextWidth, a line break will be inserted in case the maxTextHeight allows another line of text. If this is not the case, the text will be cut of, in the way the text trimming describes. A text like 'lorem ipsum' would be formatted like the following:

none (default)

The text will be trimmed at a whitespace if possible, otherwise in a word. No ellipsis are shown.


The text will be trimmed at a whitespace if possible, otherwise in a word, and ellipsis will be shown.


The text will be trimmed in a word, and ellipsis will be shown.


Can be used to initialize an instance of the Transform class.


TransformationType: "identity" | "translation" | "rotation" | "scaling" | "shear" | "group" | "matrix"

Determines the type of a transform.


VerticalAnchor: "origin" | "top" | "bottom" | "center"

Determines how the geometry aligns to the position vertically.

origin (default)

The image will be drawn with the position as its coordinate origin.


The image will be drawn with the position on the top.


The image will be drawn with the position at the center.


The geometry will be drawn with the position on the bottom.


VerticalImageAnchor: "top" | "bottom" | "center"

Determines how the image aligns to the position vertically.

top (default)

The image will be drawn with the position on the top.


The image will be drawn with the position at the center.


The image will be drawn with the position on the bottom.


VerticalTextAlignment: "top" | "bottom" | "center"

Determines how text is arranged inside the bounding box that is defined by width and height. In case no bounding box is defined, the text vertical alignment also determines the vertical position of the text relative to the anchor.

top (default)

Aligns the text on the top of the bounding box.


Aligns the text on the bottom of the bounding box.


Aligns the text centered in the bounding box.


VerticalTextAnchor: "default" | "top" | "bottom" | "center" | "baseline"

Determines how the whole text is arranged vertically relative to the text position.

top (default)

Places the anchor point on the top of the bounding box.


Places the anchor point on the bottom of the bounding box.


Places the anchor at the center of the bounding box.


Places the anchor at the height of the baseline of the first line of text. The baseline anchor looks most natural when aligning text to certain positions, e.g. the lines of a scale.


Private renderProvider

renderProvider: any = require.binding("RenderProvider")

Private renderProvider

renderProvider: any = require.binding("RenderProvider")

Private renderProvider

renderProvider: any = require.binding("RenderProvider")


renderProvider: any = require.binding("RenderProvider")

Private renderProvider

renderProvider: any = require.binding("RenderProvider")


Private clamp

  • clamp(value: number): number
  • Parameters

    • value: number

    Returns number

Private mapArcType

  • mapArcType(arcType: ArcType): ArcTypeId.Small | ArcTypeId.Large
  • Parameters

    Returns ArcTypeId.Small | ArcTypeId.Large

Private mapFillRule

  • mapFillRule(fillRule: FillRule): FillRuleId.EvenOdd | FillRuleId.Nonzero
  • Parameters

    Returns FillRuleId.EvenOdd | FillRuleId.Nonzero

Private mapFlowDirection

  • mapFlowDirection(flowDirection: FlowDirection): FlowDirectionId.LeftToRight | FlowDirectionId.RightToLeft
  • Parameters

    Returns FlowDirectionId.LeftToRight | FlowDirectionId.RightToLeft

Private mapFontStretch

  • mapFontStretch(fontStretch: FontStretch): FontStretchId.UltraCondensed | FontStretchId.ExtraCondensed | FontStretchId.Condensed | FontStretchId.SemiCondensed | FontStretchId.Normal | FontStretchId.SemiExpanded | FontStretchId.Expanded | FontStretchId.ExtraExpanded | FontStretchId.UltraExpanded
  • Parameters

    Returns FontStretchId.UltraCondensed | FontStretchId.ExtraCondensed | FontStretchId.Condensed | FontStretchId.SemiCondensed | FontStretchId.Normal | FontStretchId.SemiExpanded | FontStretchId.Expanded | FontStretchId.ExtraExpanded | FontStretchId.UltraExpanded

Private mapFontStyle

  • mapFontStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle): FontStyleId.Normal | FontStyleId.Oblique | FontStyleId.Italic
  • Parameters

    Returns FontStyleId.Normal | FontStyleId.Oblique | FontStyleId.Italic

Private mapFontWeight

  • mapFontWeight(fontWeight: FontWeight): FontWeightId.Thin | FontWeightId.ExtraLight | FontWeightId.Light | FontWeightId.Normal | FontWeightId.Medium | FontWeightId.SemiBold | FontWeightId.Bold | FontWeightId.Black | FontWeightId.ExtraBlack
  • Parameters

    Returns FontWeightId.Thin | FontWeightId.ExtraLight | FontWeightId.Light | FontWeightId.Normal | FontWeightId.Medium | FontWeightId.SemiBold | FontWeightId.Bold | FontWeightId.Black | FontWeightId.ExtraBlack

Private mapGeometryCombineMode

  • mapGeometryCombineMode(combineMode: GeometryCombineMode): GeometryCombineModeId.Union | GeometryCombineModeId.Intersect | GeometryCombineModeId.Xor | GeometryCombineModeId.Exclude
  • Parameters

    Returns GeometryCombineModeId.Union | GeometryCombineModeId.Intersect | GeometryCombineModeId.Xor | GeometryCombineModeId.Exclude

Private mapHorizontalAnchor

  • mapHorizontalAnchor(anchor: HorizontalAnchor): HorizontalAnchorId.Origin | HorizontalAnchorId.Left | HorizontalAnchorId.Right | HorizontalAnchorId.Center
  • Parameters

    Returns HorizontalAnchorId.Origin | HorizontalAnchorId.Left | HorizontalAnchorId.Right | HorizontalAnchorId.Center

Private mapHorizontalImageAnchor

  • mapHorizontalImageAnchor(anchor: HorizontalImageAnchor): HorizontalImageAnchorId.Left | HorizontalImageAnchorId.Right | HorizontalImageAnchorId.Center
  • Parameters

    Returns HorizontalImageAnchorId.Left | HorizontalImageAnchorId.Right | HorizontalImageAnchorId.Center

Private mapHorizontalTextAlignment

  • mapHorizontalTextAlignment(horizontalTextAlignment: HorizontalTextAlignment): HorizontalTextAlignmentId.Left | HorizontalTextAlignmentId.Right | HorizontalTextAlignmentId.Center | HorizontalTextAlignmentId.Justify
  • Parameters

    Returns HorizontalTextAlignmentId.Left | HorizontalTextAlignmentId.Right | HorizontalTextAlignmentId.Center | HorizontalTextAlignmentId.Justify

Private mapHorizontalTextAnchor

  • mapHorizontalTextAnchor(anchor: HorizontalTextAnchor): HorizontalTextAnchorId.Default | HorizontalTextAnchorId.Left | HorizontalTextAnchorId.Right | HorizontalTextAnchorId.Center
  • Parameters

    Returns HorizontalTextAnchorId.Default | HorizontalTextAnchorId.Left | HorizontalTextAnchorId.Right | HorizontalTextAnchorId.Center

Private mapLineCap

  • mapLineCap(lineCap: LineCap): LineCapId.Flat | LineCapId.Round | LineCapId.Square
  • Parameters

    Returns LineCapId.Flat | LineCapId.Round | LineCapId.Square

Private mapLineJoin

  • mapLineJoin(lineJoin: LineJoin): LineJoinId.Bevel | LineJoinId.Miter | LineJoinId.Round
  • Parameters

    Returns LineJoinId.Bevel | LineJoinId.Miter | LineJoinId.Round

Private mapPixelFormat

  • mapPixelFormat(type: PixelFormat): PixelFormatId.RGB24 | PixelFormatId.BGR24 | PixelFormatId.BGRA32 | PixelFormatId.GRAY8
  • Parameters

    Returns PixelFormatId.RGB24 | PixelFormatId.BGR24 | PixelFormatId.BGRA32 | PixelFormatId.GRAY8

Private mapSweepDirection

  • mapSweepDirection(sweepDirection: SweepDirection): SweepDirectionId.Clockwise | SweepDirectionId.Counterclockwise
  • Parameters

    Returns SweepDirectionId.Clockwise | SweepDirectionId.Counterclockwise

Private mapTextDecoration

  • mapTextDecoration(textDecoration: TextDecoration): TextDecorationId.None | TextDecorationId.Underline | TextDecorationId.StrikeThrough
  • Parameters

    Returns TextDecorationId.None | TextDecorationId.Underline | TextDecorationId.StrikeThrough

Private mapTextTrimming

  • mapTextTrimming(textTrimming: TextTrimming): TextTrimmingId.None | TextTrimmingId.CharacterEllipsis | TextTrimmingId.WordEllipsis
  • Parameters

    Returns TextTrimmingId.None | TextTrimmingId.CharacterEllipsis | TextTrimmingId.WordEllipsis

Private mapVerticalAnchor

  • mapVerticalAnchor(anchor: VerticalAnchor): VerticalAnchorId.Origin | VerticalAnchorId.Top | VerticalAnchorId.Bottom | VerticalAnchorId.Center
  • Parameters

    Returns VerticalAnchorId.Origin | VerticalAnchorId.Top | VerticalAnchorId.Bottom | VerticalAnchorId.Center

Private mapVerticalImageAnchor

  • mapVerticalImageAnchor(anchor: VerticalImageAnchor): VerticalImageAnchorId.Top | VerticalImageAnchorId.Bottom | VerticalImageAnchorId.Center
  • Parameters

    Returns VerticalImageAnchorId.Top | VerticalImageAnchorId.Bottom | VerticalImageAnchorId.Center

Private mapVerticalTextAlignment

  • mapVerticalTextAlignment(verticalTextAlignment: VerticalTextAlignment): VerticalTextAlignmentId.Top | VerticalTextAlignmentId.Bottom | VerticalTextAlignmentId.Center
  • Parameters

    Returns VerticalTextAlignmentId.Top | VerticalTextAlignmentId.Bottom | VerticalTextAlignmentId.Center

Private mapVerticalTextAnchor

  • mapVerticalTextAnchor(anchor: VerticalTextAnchor): VerticalTextAnchorId.Default | VerticalTextAnchorId.Top | VerticalTextAnchorId.Bottom | VerticalTextAnchorId.Center | VerticalTextAnchorId.BaseLine
  • Parameters

    Returns VerticalTextAnchorId.Default | VerticalTextAnchorId.Top | VerticalTextAnchorId.Bottom | VerticalTextAnchorId.Center | VerticalTextAnchorId.BaseLine

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