The service information can be fetched via the following endpoint. This endpoint doesn’t provide filter parameters.
GET /rawdataServiceRest/serviceInformation HTTP/1.1
"versionWsdlMajor": "2",
"versionWsdlMinor": "3",
"version": ""
You can can fetch information about raw data objects by using the following endpoints.
Returns a list of raw data file information entries for all entities with type :entity. You further have to and restrict the request to the entities’ uuids by adding the following uri parameter:
Parameter name | Description Example |
uuids |
Restricts the query to the entities identified by the given uuids. ![]() uuids={652ae7a0-d1e1-4ee2-b3a5-d4526f6ba822|78bd15c6-dc70-4ab4-bd3c-8ab2b5780b52} |
GET /rawDataServiceRest/rawData/part?uuids={05040c4c-f0af-46b8-810e-30c0c00a379e,5441c003-b6db-4217-ac6a-45cdbb805bb3} HTTP/1.1
"entity": "Part",
"uuid": " 05040c4c-f0af-46b8-810e-30c0c00a379e"
"key": 0,
"fileName": "section view.meshModel",
"mimeType": "application/x-zip-compressed",
"lastModified": "2012-11-19T10:48:34.327Z",
"created": "2012-11-19T10:48:34.327Z",
"size": 147376,
"md5": "02f9c86143ea176c06e24524385b5907"
"entity": "Part",
"uuid": "5441c003-b6db-4217-ac6a-45cdbb805bb3"
"key": 0,
"fileName": "cad_22.meshModel",
"mimeType": "application/x-zeiss-piweb-meshmodel",
"lastModified": "2015-03-20T14:37:02.943Z",
"created": "2015-03-20T14:37:02.943Z",
"size": 837245,
"md5": "cbde88e2ed754c70860b3e6d4313551a"
GET /rawDataServiceRest/rawData/part/05040c4c-f0af-46b8-810e-30c0c00a379e HTTP/1.1
"entity": "Part",
"uuid": " 05040c4c-f0af-46b8-810e-30c0c00a379e"
"key": 0,
"fileName": "section view.meshModel",
"mimeType": "application/x-zip-compressed",
"lastModified": "2012-11-19T10:48:34.327Z",
"created": "2012-11-19T10:48:34.327Z",
"size": 147376,
"md5": "02f9c86143ea176c06e24524385b5907"
The returned objects contains the following properties:
Property | Description |
TargetEntity target |
Specifies a concrete entity for a raw data object and consits of the entity’s type (Part, Characteristic, Measurement, Value) and guid. If raw data is attached to an entity of type Value , the uuid contains a compound key in the following format: {MeasurementUuid}|{CharacteristicUuid} |
int key |
This is a unique key that identifies this specific raw data object for a corresponding entity. An entity can have multiple raw data object that are distinct by this key. |
string fileName |
The filename of the raw data object. Please note that this filename is not unique (unlike filenames in traditional file systems). |
string mimeType |
The file’s mime type. |
DateTime lastModified |
The timestamp of the last modification of the corresponding raw data object |
DateTime created |
The timestamp of the creation of the corresponding raw data object |
int size |
The size of the raw data object in bytes |
string md5 |
The MD5-Hash of the raw data object |
You can can fetch, create, update and delete raw data objects by using the following endpoints.
The server caches raw data fetch requests. When you request a raw data file for the first time the response will contain the file itself and several HTTP headers. One of these headers is the ETag header. An ETag is a unique hash value to identify the file. It is a combination of the file’s MD5 checksum and the last modification date. If you send the ETag value in the If-None-Match header, the server can respond two different ways, depending in whether the file has been modified since the last request:
GET /rawDataServiceRest/rawData/part/b8f5d3fe-5bd5-406b-8053-67f647f09dc7/0 HTTP/1.1
GET /rawDataServiceRest/rawData/part/b8f5d3fe-5bd5-406b-8053-67f647f09dc7/0 HTTP/1.1
If-None-Match: "6ab0f6bd01b30aa8e55021085b820393635437006830400000"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Etag: "6ab0f6bd01b30aa8e55021085b820393635437006830400000"
Last-Modified: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:58:03 GMT
The requested raw data file
HTTP/1.1 304 Not modified
DELETE /rawDataServiceRest/rawData/part/b8f5d3fe-5bd5-406b-8053-67f647f09dc7/1/thumbnail HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
The requested thumbnail
You can attach files to all entity types: parts, characteristics, measurements and measured values.
An add request consists of 3 mandatory parts:
HTTP header variable | Description | Example Value |
Content-Disposition | Includes the file name | “MetalPart.meshModel” |
Content-Length | Includes the length in bytes | 2090682 |
Content-MD5 | Includes file’s MD5 hash sum | “bdf6b06ab301a |
Content-Type | Includes file’s MIME type | “application/x-zeiss-piweb-meshmodel” |
When adding a file, you can pass the desired file key as part of the uri. If you pass -1 or no key, the next available key will automatically assigned by the server. (recommended)
If you pass a key which is already assigned to another file, this file will be replaced.
POST /rawDataServiceRest/rawData/part/b8f5d3fe-5bd5-406b-8053-67f647f09dc7 HTTP/1.1
Content-Disposition: "MetalPart.meshModel"
Content-Length: 2090682
Content-MD5: "bdf6b06ab301a80ae55021085b820393"
Content-Type: "application/x-zeiss-piweb-meshmodel"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
An update request consists of 3 mandatory parts:
HTTP header variable | Description | Example Value |
Content-Disposition | Includes the file name | “MetalPart.meshModel” |
Content-Length | Includes the length in bytes | 2090682 |
Content-MD5 | Includes file’s MD5 hash sum | “bdf6b06ab301a |
Content-Type | Includes file’s MIME type | “application/x-zeiss-piweb-meshmodel” |
PUT /rawDataServiceRest/rawData/part/b8f5d3fe-5bd5-406b-8053-67f647f09dc7/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Disposition: "MetalPart.meshModel"
Content-Length: 2090682
Content-MD5: "bdf6b06ab301a80ae55021085b820393"
Content-Type: "application/x-zeiss-piweb-meshmodel"
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
DELETE /rawDataServiceRest/rawData/part/b8f5d3fe-5bd5-406b-8053-67f647f09dc7 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
DELETE /rawDataServiceRest/rawData/part/b8f5d3fe-5bd5-406b-8053-67f647f09dc7/0 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK