Initializes a new instance of the Pen class.
The brush.
The thickness.
The start cap.
The end cap.
The line join.
The dash style.
The dash offset.
The dash cap.
Gets or sets the brush that is used to fill the outline procuded by the pen.
Gets or sets the geometry added at the beginning and end of each dash.
Gets or sets the offset of the first dash. The stroke is solid to the specified offset. The specified offset is multiplied with the pens thickness, just like the dash style. Be aware that a positive offset will move the dashes against stroke direction.
Gets or sets the definition of the dashes used to render the stroke. The default value is empty, which will render one solid line. The length of the dashes and gaps specified here are multiplied with the thickness of the pen when it is drawn. So in case you want dashes with a length of one millimeter on a pen with 0.1 mm thickness, you must specify a dash of length 10 here.
Gets or sets the geometry added to the end of the stroke.
Gets or sets the geometry added between to segments of the stroke.
Gets or sets the geometry added to the beginning of the stroke.
Gets or sets the thickness of stroke that is produced by the pen (in millimeters).
Returns the pen that is defined by the specified description.
A pen description.
Generated using TypeDoc
Describes how lines are stroked.