Component lifecycles

The lifecycle defines when which class is instantiated by the Auto Importer and which method is called. This can affect the program start but also the creation and execution of import plans and the file import process. In the following the lifecycle for import automation and import format plug-ins is described.

Import automation

1. Auto Importer application starting

All available plug-ins are loaded when the application is started. To do this, the IPlugin implementation of the import automation plug-in is called up using the CreateImportAutomation method.

using Zeiss.PiWeb.Import.Sdk;

public class Plugin : IPlugin
  public IImportAutomation CreateImportAutomation(ICreateImportAutomationContext context)
    return new MyImportAutomation();

2. CreateConfiguration in IImportAutomation

The configuration of the registered import automation is then called up, to get custom configuration items defined by your plug-in. The constructor (ImportConfiguration) of your IAutomationConfiguration is called.

public IAutomationConfiguration CreateConfiguration(ICreateAutomationConfigurationContext context)
  return new ImportConfiguration(context.PropertyStorage);

This is also executed when the import source is changed to your plug-in. This is necessary to load the self-defined configuration elements.

3. Auto Importer application is up and running

The application is now executed as before, the plug-in is loaded and the import source can be selected.

4. Starting an import plan with a custom import source

Starting an import plan causes an IImportRunner of the selected import source to be initialized. This is done via the CreateImportRunner method in your IImportAutomation implementation.

public IImportRunner CreateImportRunner(ICreateImportRunnerContext context)
  return new MyImportRunner(context);

Constructor (MyImportRunner) of your IImportRunner is called. You should provide the values set by the configuration items. Read User configuration - storage for information about storage usage.

private readonly ICreateImportRunnerContext _ImportRunnerContext;

private readonly string _Hostname;
private readonly int _Port;

public MyImportRunner(ICreateImportRunnerContext importRunnerContext)
  _ImportRunnerContext = importRunnerContext;

  _Hostname = _ImportRunnerContext.PropertyReader.ReadString(nameof(ImportConfiguration.Hostname));
  _Port = _ImportRunnerContext.PropertyReader.ReadNumber(nameof(ImportConfiguration.Port), 1883);

5. RunAsync from IImportRunner is called

After initializing the IRunner, the import loop is started via RunAsync.

using Zeiss.PiWeb.Import.Sdk.Modules.ImportAutomation;

public sealed class MyImportRunner : IImportRunner
  public async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
      // Place your import loop here
      // Happens when user stops the import plan, finish last import
      // Error handling and shutdown

  public ValueTask DisposeAsync()
    // Close your open connections and release reserved resources
    return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

Import format

In general, an import format plug-in is loaded in the Auto Importer in similar way as an import automation plug-in. In contrast to the import automation plug-in, however, the import group builder and the import parser of the import format plug-in are integrated into the existing import process of the Auto Importer.

1. Load plug-in

An import format plug-in is loaded when the Auto Importer is started. To do this, the CreateImportFormat method of the IPlugin implementation is called.

using Zeiss.PiWeb.Import.Sdk;
using Zeiss.PiWeb.Import.Sdk.Modules.ImportFormat;

public class Plugin : IPlugin
  public IImportFormat CreateImportFormat(ICreateImportFormatContext context)
    return new ImportFormat();

2. Get import format configuration

During the start of the Auto Importer the defined import format configuration for the plug-in is created. Therefore the CreateConfiguration method of the IImportFormat implementation is called and an ImportFormatConfiguration instance is created.

public IImportFormatConfiguration CreateConfiguration(ICreateImportFormatConfigurationContext context)
  return new ImportFormatConfiguration();

Accordingly the import configuration for the import format of the plug-in can be displayed in the import configuration view of the running Auto Importer.

3. Create and use import group builder

The import process starts when an import plan of the Auto Importer is running and a new import file is detected in the specified import folder. Alternatively, the import process for a file also starts when an example file in the import configuration view is selected. At the beginning of the import process the Auto Importer creates an import group filter for each file format and uses this filters to decide to which format the import file belongs. To create the import group filter of the plug-in format the CreateImportGroupFilter method of IImportFormat implementation is called.

public IImportGroupFilter CreateImportGroupFilter(ICreateImportGroupFilterContext context)
  return new ImportGroupFilter();

For each interval when the Auto Importer checks for new files in the import folder a new import group filter is created.
Immediately afterwards, the method FilterAsync of the IImportGroupFilter implementation is called in order to check whether the file of the import group belongs to the import format.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Zeiss.PiWeb.Import.Sdk.ImportFiles;

public class ImportGroupFilter : IImportGroupFilter
  public async ValueTask<FilterResult> FilterAsync(IImportGroup importGroup, IFilterContext context)

4. Create and use import parser

After an import group is assigned to an import format via the import group builder the import group is processed by the import parser. The import parser is created by calling the CreateImportParser method of IImportFormat implementation. A new instance for each parsing of an import group is created.

public IImportParser CreateImportParser(ICreateImportParserContext context)
  return new ImportParser();

After the creation of the import parser the ParseAsync method of the import parser is called to start the parsing of the information in the import file and creating the inspection plan and measurement data.

using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Zeiss.PiWeb.Import.Sdk.ImportData;
using Zeiss.PiWeb.Import.Sdk.ImportFiles;
using Zeiss.PiWeb.Import.Sdk.Modules.ImportFormat;

public class ImportParser : IImportParser
  public async Task<ImportData> ParseAsync(
    IImportGroup importGroup,
    CancellationToken cancellationToken,
    IParseContext context)