PiWeb backend

The PiWeb backend is where PiWeb stores all measurement data. This backend provides a webservice that can be accessed via an open REST API. For more information see the corresponding API documentation. Since PiWeb Auto Importer always imports new data to such a backend, a working backend is required as import target to run and test any import plug-ins in PiWeb Auto Importer. There are two options for PiWeb backends: PiWeb Cloud and PiWeb Enterprise Server.

PiWeb Cloud

The PiWeb Cloud is a manageable fully cloud-based backend for PiWeb that can be used as import target. It also provides all important PiWeb desktop clients like the PiWeb Auto Importer on a subscription basis. Since a free 90 days trial subscription is available, this is the recommended way for starting import plug-in development without a lot of set-up work.

Try PiWeb for free over a period of 90 days.
PiWeb Cloud FAQ

PiWeb Enterprise Server

PiWeb Enterprise Server is an on-premises installable PiWeb backend. It requires a running Microsoft SQL Server. Although the installation of PiWeb Enterprise Server is fairly easy, quite some effort is required to configure the connection to the SQL server, setup user authentication, configure user permissions and some other aspects.

If a running PiWeb Enterprise Server is available, it can easily be used as import target; otherwise, we suggest to use PiWeb Cloud as backend for testing import plug-ins in PiWeb Auto Importer.

More details about the installation and configuration can be found in the PiWeb Server Tech Guide (requires an account).