Writing an import format plug-in

Import format plug-ins allow you to automate the import of files with unsupported formats using PiWeb Auto Importer. In this article we will show you step-by-step, how to create a simple but fully functional import format plug-in and how to use this plug-in to import an example file with PiWeb Auto Importer.

The full sources of the plug-in built in this article are part of the Import SDK plug-in examples and can be found here.

Table of Contents

  1. The import file format
  2. Step 1 - Create a new .NET project
  3. Step 2 - Edit the plug-in manifest
  4. Step 3 - Create an import group filter
  5. Step 4 - Implement the import file parser
  6. Testing the plug-in
  7. Next steps

The import file format

The file format we want to import is called SimpleTxt. Although this is not a real format produced by any measuring software, it is a good representation of the typical output of a measuring machine. Here is an example:

Date: 2024-08-14 14:39:05
Text: Test measurement

CharA, 2.4
CharB, 1.6

A SimpleTxt file always represents a single measurement. SimpleTxt files start with #Header as first line. Then the following lines contain general information about the measurement in the form of name value pairs separated by a colon. For example the date of the measurement or some descriptive text. The value part of the file begins with the line #Characterstic,Value. Each following line consists of a characteristic name and its corresponding measured value separated by a comma. A SimpleTxt file can contain as many general information entries and measured characteristics as necessary.

SimpleTxt files always have the file extension .txt.

You can download this example file here:

Step 1 - Create a new .NET project

To start developing the new import format plug-in, create a new .NET project using the project template PiWeb-Import-Sdk Plugin. Enter SimpleTxtPlugin as project name and select Import format as Plugin type. If you are using this guide to start your own import format plug-in, use another project name that better fits your import format. Since the project name is by default also used as plug-in id, make sure the project name is reasonably unique.

If you do not have a project template named PiWeb-Import-Sdk Plugin, take a look at Installing project templates.

The newly created project should now look similar to this:

Project structure

Let us have a look at the files created by the project template: The manifest.json file is the manifest of the plug-in. We will edit it in the next step. In addition to the manifest file, the project template has also created three source code files for us: Plugin.cs, ImportFormat.cs and ImportParser.cs. Each of these files contains a class of the same name:

  • Plugin is the entry point of the plug-in. It acts as a factory for the import format provided by our plug-in. The project template already set this up to create instances of ImportFormat, so we do not need to change its implementation.
  • ImportFormat represents our new import format. It acts as a factory to delegate its two responsibilities: Firstly, it creates instances of ImportParser thus determining how to process import file contents. Secondly, it creates an instance of IImportGroupFilter to determine which import files should actually be handled by an associated import format. We will create a custom filter for SimpleTxt files in step 3.
  • ImportParser implements the actual import logic that transforms the content of a file to inspection plan data and measurement data that can be uploaded. We will implement it to read and transform SimpleTxt files in step 4.

There is also a launchSettings.json which contains a launch configuration that builds our plug-in and starts a locally installed PiWeb Auto Importer with the necessary configuration to load and run our plugin directly from the build output. We come back to this later when we are testing the new plug-in.

Step 2 - Edit the plug-in manifest

One of the automatically created project files is the plug-in manifest manifest.json. This manifest file contains static information about the plug-in. Most entries are given sensible default values but we need to set a few values specific to our new plug-in project:

  "$schema": "https://raw.github.com/ZEISS-PiWeb/PiWeb-Import-Sdk/refs/heads/pub/schemas/manifest-schema.json",
  "id": "SimpleTxtPlugin",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "title": "SimpleTxt Plug-in",
  "description": "Provides the SimpleTxt import format. SimpleTxt is a text file format for inspection plan and measurement data.",

  "provides": {
    "type": "ImportFormat",
    "displayName": "SimpleTxt",
    "fileExtensions": [

The first two properties we have updated are title and description. These two values determine how our new plug-in should be displayed in the plug-in management view of PiWeb Auto Importer. This is not strictly necessary for a working plug-in, but it helps us to find our plug-in in the plug-in management view. Similarly, the displayName property in the provides section specifies how the import format provided by our plug-in should be displayed when PiWeb Auto Importer needs to refer to it, for example in the import settings.

Our fourth change is the addition of the fileExtensions list in the provides section. The list of file extensions is also used for display purposes. Additionally it also generates file extension masks in file selection dialogs.

There are many other optional manifest properties. You can find more information about the manifest file in Manifest.

Step 3 - Create an import group filter

At this point we can start working on the actual plug-in implementation. First we are going to implement a custom IImportGroupFilter to define which import files should actually be handled by our new import format. The interface only specifies a single method FilterAsync that we need to implement. Create a new class SimpleTxtImportGroupFilter with the following content:

using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Zeiss.PiWeb.Sdk.Import.ImportFiles;

namespace SimpleTxtPlugin;

public class SimpleTxtImportGroupFilter : IImportGroupFilter
  public async ValueTask<FilterResult> FilterAsync(IImportGroup importGroup, IFilterContext context)
    // Check file extension.
    if (!importGroup.PrimaryFile.HasExtension(".txt"))
      return FilterResult.None;

    await using var stream = importGroup.PrimaryFile.GetDataStream();
    using var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);

    // Check file content match with SimpleTxt format.
    var firstLine = await reader.ReadLineAsync();
    if (firstLine != null && firstLine.StartsWith("#Header"))
      return FilterResult.Import;
    return FilterResult.None;

This FilterAsync method is called whenever PiWeb Auto Importer wants to import any files. The given import group represents the files to import. Unless we explicitly add additional files to this group, it will always consist of a single file given by its PrimaryFile property. The return value of this method specifies whether the file group will be imported using our new import format. Returning FilterResult.Import will bind the current group to our import format and import it accordingly. Returning FilterResult.None means the group is unrelated to our import format. It may still be picked up by another import format of another plug-in though. The implementation above first checks whether the filename has a “.txt” extension and then whether the file content starts with the #Header line.

Now that we have this filter implementation, we can use it as part of the import format by updating the CreateImportGroupFilter method in the ImportFormat class:

public IImportGroupFilter CreateImportGroupFilter(ICreateImportGroupFilterContext context)
    return new SimpleTxtImportGroupFilter();

Step 4 - Implement the import file parser

The last step is to actually implement the parsing of SimpleTxt files. But first we have to think about how to map the file contents to inspection plan data and measurement data. Since each SimpleTxt file only contains data for a single measurement, we will create only a single (root) part and a corresponding measurement per import file. The properties of the #Header section should respectively be mapped to measurement attributes K4 (Date) and K9 (Text) of the single measurement. Then, for each line in the #Characterstic,Value section, a characteristic below the part and a corresponding measured value in the measurement should be generated.

Import goal

To achieve this behavior, we need to implement the ParseAsync method in the ImportParser class. Here is the full implementation:

public async Task<ImportData> ParseAsync( 
  IImportGroup importGroup,
  IParseContext context,
  CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  // Create root part and measurement.
  var root = new InspectionPlanPart(importGroup.PrimaryFile.BaseName);
  var measurement = root.AddMeasurement();

  // Create reader for import file.
  await using var stream = importGroup.PrimaryFile.GetDataStream();
  using var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);

  string? line;

  // Parse header attributes.
  while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken)) != null)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))

    if (line.StartsWith("#Characteristic"))

    var rowItems = line.Split(":", 2);
    if (rowItems.Length < 2)

    var attribute = rowItems[0].Trim();
    var value = rowItems[1].Trim();

    switch (attribute)
      case "Date":
        var isValidDate = DateTime.TryParse(
          out var dateTimeValue);

      if (isValidDate)
        measurement.SetAttribute(4, dateTimeValue);

      case "Text":
        measurement.SetAttribute(9, value);

  // Parse measured value for each characteristic.
  while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken)) != null)
    var rowItems = line.Split(',', 2);

    if (rowItems.Length < 1)
    var characteristicName = rowItems[0].Trim();
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(characteristicName))
    var characteristic = root.AddCharacteristic(characteristicName);

    if (rowItems.Length < 2)
    var value = rowItems[1].Trim();
    if (!double.TryParse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var doubleValue))
    var measuredValue = measurement.AddMeasuredValue(characteristic);
    measuredValue.SetAttribute(1, doubleValue);
  return new ImportData(root);

We begin with creating a root part and a measurement on this part. This part is the root of all the data we will extract from the import file. During upload, this root part will be merged into the target part by PiWeb Auto Importer. The original name of the import target part will be kept during this operation, so the name of the root part we create does not matter. However, it is good practice to specify a sensible name and we simply use the import file name (without extension) in this example.

Now that we have a part and a corresponding measurement, we can read the import file line by line and add attributes, characteristics and measured values as specified by the import file. Finally we return the root part wrapped in an ImportData instance.

Testing the plug-in

After building the project, the plug-in is ready to test. Since the project template already created launch settings for the project, running PiWeb Auto Importer to host the new plug-in is as easy as hitting the start button of your IDE.

Start button

This will start PiWeb Auto Importer with the necessary command line parameters to load the plug-in build from the current project and also attach a debugger to the process.

For this to work correctly, two conditions need to be met:

  • PiWeb Auto Importer must be installed locally. The executable is expected to be found in %ProgramFiles%\Zeiss\PiWeb\AutoImporter.exe. If the PiWeb Auto Importer executable is in another path, you can update the path specified in launchSettings.json accordingly.
  • PiWeb Auto Importer must be in development mode. See Development mode for details on how to activate development mode.

After PiWeb Auto Importer has started, the SimpleTxt plug-in should be available in the plug-in management view opened via File > Plug-ins... and there should be no error messages.

Plug-in management view

When the plug-in is loaded and shows no errors, the new format is available and will automatically be used in all import plans. We can now try to import the example file by creating a new import plan (or reusing an existing one). Configure a source folder, a target PiWeb backend and hit the run button.

Auto Importer import plan

Now you can drop SimpleTxt-Example.txt in the configured import folder to import it. If everything worked correctly, the resulting import history will look similar to this:

Auto Importer import history

You can also open PiWeb Planner and connect to the same PiWeb backend. A new measurement with measured values for the characteristics CharA and CharB should exist.

Planner measurement view

Next steps

Now that we have a running plug-in, you can continue with Deploying plug-ins explaining how to actually deploy your plug-in to a PiWeb Auto Importer in production use. You may also want to read the articles in the Plug-in fundamentals and Advanced topics sections to get a better understanding of the concepts behind plug-ins and also learn about other features available for your own plug-in implementations.